Friday, October 12, 2012

Conference for Kindle

Conference time again. I didn't get around to making a Kindle file for October conference, but a new friend was kind enough to offer the use of the file he made. I offer it to you here with his permission.

I transferred it to my Kindle Fire and it works beautifully so far. Excellent work, Cliff. Thank you.

It was kind of fun to see where folks were downloading from last time. Post a comment if you wish. Tell us where you are.  :-)

The mobi file that Cliff made worked fine for me, but I've converted it to AZW in case anyone prefers that. Find that one at this link. This one's not yet tested. If you use the AZW file, perhaps you'd be so kind as to provide feedback about how it works. 

Gospel Library users will have noticed that the conference talks are available for that app (both iOS and Android) now. Update your library to see it.

Happy conference reading, my dear friends!

1 comment:

Dawn W said...

Thank you for always providing access to the Kindle version of General Conference. Our primary aged kids have read the whole conference sessions since they have it on their kindles. Thank you so much! from NM